Who didn't vote 5? :S
Who didn't vote 5? :S
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 0.9065 to 2.0847!
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Did I do that? :D
you did and thank you
Thanks for voting, deslona!
How can you wrong with monty python?
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.38 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 22% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 6.57 votes!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 1.7620 to 1.8131!
If this game is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!
*every spearm is sacred...?*
If this gets blammed can you send everything to my email in my profile (the review wont let me type it in here)
i do have that one thats definatly going to be in version 2
Great game
I liked this game is was palying if for ages (i had to remeber how to do it) keep u the good work, i hope to see more games like this in the future!
Very ... WOW
This was really good! I liked it, I hope you will expand on this, I cant wait if you do.
Please let me know if you will make a newer version
Thanks! as a matter of fact i am!
beta huh? looks preety, but thats all
Things for the complete version (i think);
Cant see when the turn is comming on the 'radar' map,
ie (i have no idea where im going)
- easy on that map, what about others?
Music on-off switch,
lastly i did as you asked...
fastest time.... undefined
big bug
i was on 138 seconds and level 101, the man kills himslef as soon as he runs into the spike.
its an ok game, needs a bit more in the graphic department
For me to type something witty in here is like drawing a tapestry.
Age 40
Australia - China
Joined on 7/1/04